Qualification Video

Qualification Materials

Please find below our qualification materials for the RoboCup@Home 2024:


Bringing robots to human-shared environments is a challenging task, and testing out capabilitise and robotic skills in home setup is the perfect stress test. Our solution to the RoboCup@Home challenge 2024 is built on three core principles:

  1. Human taught trajectories
  2. Social Navigation
  3. Simplicity wins

Hardware - Custom Albert Robot

Albert Robot

Our robot Albert is a mobile manipulator consitsting of a differential drive Clearpath Boxer base and a Franka Emika Panda arm equipped with a customised vacuum gripper. This combination provides a robust and agile robotic platform capable of navigating various environments while offering sophisticated manipulation capabilities. The Clearpath Boxer base serves as a reliable and mobile foundation, ensuring smooth and efficient movement, while the Franka Emika Panda arm extends the robot's capabilities with its agile and dexterous manipulation features. Together, these components create a synergistic fusion, enabling our robot to perform intricate tasks with precision and flexibility.


Navigation among Humans

To successfully integrate and accept mobile robots in human-centered spaces, prioritizing social navigation is essential. This enhances efficiency and promotes a socially intuitive interaction, considering norms and preferences. Emphasizing the robot’s ability to navigate considerately fosters a positive user experience, encouraging widespread acceptance and trust in daily use. Our social navigation planner is based on the foundation of Model Predictive Control (MPC). This choice of utilizing MPC as the underlying framework for our social navigation system empowers the robot with the capability to dynamically plan and optimize its movements, taking into account not only the environmental constraints but also the intricacies of social interactions. By leveraging the predictive capabilities of MPC, the planner exhibits responsive motions accounting for the predicted future behavior of the surrounding people. We specifically build on the MPC formulation for navigation among dynamic obstacles and humans. Furthermore, we perform free-space composition based on the lidar data to derive linear constraints for static collision avoidance. The cost function of the MPC can then be adapted to represent the desired social behavior.

Interactive Navigation

In the context of human-centered environments, successful navigation often demands the ability to interact with specific obstacles. e.g. a laundry basket which blocks the robot's path. This concept is often termed as interactive navigation. Unlike mere collision avoidance, interactive navigation entails a more nuanced approach, allowing the robot to engage with obstacles strategically, perhaps by repositioning, to achieve its navigational objectives effectively in settings. The interactive skill is developed based on the nonprehensile manipulation capability of the mobile base, with the onboard arm serving as the "eyes" for tracking and locating undesired obstacles. Nonprehensile manipulation, characterized by not requiring precise grasping of objects, allows the robot to manipulate objects irrespective of their shape, size, or mass. Specifically, we employ the mobile base to push the object out of its path. Through a thorough analysis of contact conditions during pushing, we have devised a stable pushing approach. To enhance the flexibility of the pushing process, we leverage the physics simulator, Isaac Gym, and employ the sampling-based control method, Model Predictive Path Integral (MPPI), for motion planning during pushing maneuvers. This combination of capabilities enables the robot to navigate dynamically through its environment by intelligently interacting with obstacles and adapting its movements accordingly.

Safe Manipulation

Our approach to trajectory generation is based on optimization fabrics. This geometric approach for trajectory generation encodes different behaviors, such as collision avoidance or joint-limit avoidance into differential equations of second order. Using operator from differential geometry, namely pull-back and push-forward, it allows to combine behaviors from different task-manifold into one smooth policy that converges to the goal state. Our recent adaptation to dynamic environments allows to deploy this approach to human-shared environments. Optimization fabrics offer a versatile framework for trajectory generation in changing environments, because it is highly reactive and safe. Despite its advantages, optimization fabrics suffer from the same problem as most other trajectory generation methods, such as sampling-based planners: it is incredibly hard to program the logic for grasps of products. Specifically, grasp must often be hand-composed of pre-grasp, grasp and post-grasp poses. We address this shortcoming, by relying on human reasoning and understanding of the scene and the product to be grasped at hand. Following our philosophy, the human operator can actively teach the manipulator to grasp a certain product (or a class of products) by dragging the robot through the workspace. This approach, often referred to as learning-from-demonstration, is the key for successful grasping in our approach and can seamlessly be integrated with optimization fabrics.

To provide even more safety in human-shared environments, we use a compliant low-level controller for tracking the desired velocity produced by optimization fabrics. Our low-level controller is a simple PID controller in velocity space that can be adapted online if a weight is attached to the end-effector. This choice is well in line with our philosophy of favoring simple solutions of evolved methods if possible.

Adaptive Task Assignment

The high-level decision making in our robot is also based on novel PhD research. The goal was to create flexible behavior without having to hard-code all of the contingency plans for failed atomic actions. For example, when moving to grasp a supermarket product, the action could fail because the camera might lose sight of the product, because someone moves the product, or because someone manually stops the compliant arm from moving forward. A regular approach to program robots to handle these contingencies is to create a rich Behavior Tree (BT) containing all fallback behaviors. Our approach is also based on BTs, but we introduce a novel type of leaf node to specify the desired \textit{state} to be achieved rather than an \textit{action} to execute. For example, the BT describes that the robot should be "holding an object" but does not specify the actions to achieve this state, because these change at runtime. These actions are determined at runtime, as explained next. The resulting BT from our approach is simple to program and it relies on online planning through the (also novel) application of Active Inference. Based on neuroscience, Active Inference is a Bayesian inference approach that we use to essentially continuously calculate which of the viable atomic actions has the highest probability of bringing the robot closer to the desired states. This results in continual online planning and hierarchical deliberation. By doing so, an agent can follow a predefined offline plan while still keeping the ability to locally adapt and take autonomous decisions at runtime, respecting safety constraints. We have used our OPL robot to validate the hybrid Active Inference / Behavior Tree approach. The results showed improved runtime adaptability with a fraction of the hand-coded nodes compared to classical BTs.

Object Detection

Central to our success is an advanced computer vision pipeline that employs deep learning models for product and person detection. The product detection camera, strategically located at the end effector, enables the robot to efficiently identify and interact with grocery items on store shelves. Additionally our attachable perception tower at the rear of the robot, with it's 5 Realsense depth cameras, enables us to detect the full poses of people surrounding the robot, using Yolo based keypoint detection. Notably, our research in few-shot learning allows us to seamlessly integrate new product classes with as few as five images, ensuring adaptability and scalability.

Robothon 2023, Platonics

Chadi Salmi and Max Spahn have previously participated in the ERF Hackathon 2022 and the Robothon 2023 under the name of platonics. Same ideas, such as teaching trajectories for manipulation skills are taken from that experienced. See Platonics Delft for detailed information.


The additional material, such as the website's source code can be found in the same github organizition Hummus:

  1. Website source code
Simulation environments and individual ros packages might also be located in AIRLab Delft, as some members are part of this funding project.